Following time-honored French farmstead techniques, we transform their milk into fresh goat cheese, or chèvre. Its taste is inextricably tied to its place of origin – our particular herd of Alpine and Saanen goats, their forage unique to our farm’s pasture and woods, the Piedmont’s gentle seasons, and our evolving skill in transforming the continuously changing milk into a delicate fresh chèvre. Simply put, Celebrity Dairy chèvre is an honest expression of ourselves, and our farm, and our place in time – our “terroir”.
Like many specialty farm products, our cheese is fragile, and suffers from the abuses of shipping. We honor our cheese’s distinctive qualities by selling locally, thereby allowing us to hand deliver directly to our customers at local farm markets, area restaurants that proudly feature it on their menus, and select local grocery stores.
None of this occurs in a vacuum: We’re an integral part of Chatham County’s vigorous and growing low impact, sustainable agriculture community that produces high quality seasonal farm products in and for our Piedmont region. We encourage and advise other cheesemakers in North Carolina, and work with the NC Ag Extension Service on conserving small family farms, and College of Veterinary Medicine with small ruminant science. On a broader scale we support the American Cheese Society, and the Slow Foods movement.
We host Open Farm Days several times a year. Check our Facebook page for the next one!
If you’re in the area, please enjoy our cheese. Drop by to visit us. If you live elsewhere, do seek out and support your local farmers and farm markets.