Tomato Day at Carrboro Farmer’s Market – and Pepper Gelato will be there too!

Its hot weather now – good times for gelato, and tomatoes are here.  This coming Saturday is the Carrboro Farmers’ Market tomato fest – the biggest attraction of the year!.  But – what sort of gelato goes well with tomatoes?  Basil-Pesto, probably.  Hard to think of anything else.

Last year we gave a black pepper gelato a try – and donated a bunch to the Tomato Day Celebration.  It was quite a hit, actually.  We didn’t think past the donation part, and were empty-handed when people came by our booth to buy some.  This year – we’re better prepared, and will have pints of “Confetti Gelato” for customers to buy.

Confetti_GelatoOur Confetti Chèvre is made using a blend of black, pink, white, and green peppercorns. So to for the Confetti Gelato.  It has a nice bite to contrast with the gelato’s inherent sweetness, and goes surprisingly well with the acidity of the tomatoes.

We’ve even made a special label for it!

Cud-Zu Soap Birthday!

Just this time last winter we finished up Fleming’ soap room. In the intervening time, she has settled into the new space, and added soap-making to her weekly routine. Charlie & Margaret Miller have made several visits to be assured that their “baby” is comfortable in its new home.

Fleming has settled into the new space, and finds it quite a lovely craft studio to work in.

You’ll find the soap here at Celebrity Dairy, alongside our cheese at the Carrboro Farmer’s Market, and always available online on the Cud-Zu Soap page. steam cloud . ip adr facebook down